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This is a listing of some of the different alignment setups suggested by vendors/tuners for the Impreza, collected from the Bulletin Board. If you have any specifications to suggest or questions, please feel free to email me, but I'm not going to figure out which settings will work best for you- that is up to you to decide.

Source Front Camber Front Toe Rear Camber Rear Toe
Stock RS -.25 Degrees 0.0 -1.1 Degrees 0.0
Stock WRX Sedan -.25 Degrees 0.0 -1.30 Degrees 0.0
Stock WRX Wagon -.20 Degrees 0.0 -1.20 Degrees 0.0
Speed USA -0.75 Degrees 1/16" Out 0.0 0.0
Rallispec -1.25 Degrees 0 0 3/32" Out
Cobb Tuning -1.0 Degrees 0 0 1/8" In
Nativo Performance -1.5 Degrees 1/8" Out 0 1/8" In
Other -1.5 Degrees 1/16" Out 0 1/16" In

Standard Disclaimer: Modification of your car involves risks and may void your warranty. I can not be held responsible for the modifications you consciously decide to undertake nor for the results of doing so.