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This is a listing of the production number runs for the North American Impreza RS. Each year is divided into body style and transmission as applicable. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me.

  • '98 Impreza RS Coupe 5-speed - 995 units
  • '98 Impreza RS Coupe automatic - 685 units
  • Total for 1998 - 1,680 units

  • '99 Impreza RS Coupe 5-speed - 1,795 units
  • '99 Impreza RS Coupe automatic - 345 units
  • Total for 1999 - 2,140 units

  • '00 Impreza RS Coupe 5-speed - 2,375 units
  • '00 Impreza RS Coupe automatic - 535 units
  • '00 Impreza RS Sedan 5-speed - 1,636 units
  • '00 Impreza RS Sedan automatic - 1,574 units
  • Total for 2000 - 6,120 units

  • '01 Impreza RS Coupe 5-speed - 1,701 units
  • '01 Impreza RS Coupe automatic - 324 units
  • '01 Impreza RS Sedan 5-speed - 1,057 units
  • '01 Impreza RS Sedan automatic - 1,011 units
  • Total for 2001 - 4,093 units

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  • Total for all production years - 14,033 units